Last updated on: 15th Jun 2024

Insignia NS-P5113 Portable CD Player Price in India

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Insignia NS-P5113 Portable CD Player price in India from stores in India from ₹17,834.00 - ₹17,834.00

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Insignia NS-P5113 Portable CD Player with FM Tuner and MP3 Playback

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Insignia NS-P5113 Portable CD Player Specifications

Binding Electronics
Productgroup Wireless
Height 1.1 Inches
Length 5.5 Inches
Width 5.5 Inches
Weight 0.4875 Pounds
Ean 0600603122101
Upc 600603122101

Very poor quality product

By Siddhartha Movie Madon
Extremely poor/mediocre quality product item. Considering the price I paid for this item, I felt like I was cheated. The player's build quality is very cheap/flimsy. The user interface and response of the system is miserably slow. The sound output is pathetically poor quality with an utterly flat response. Skipping between tracks takes an unbelievably slow time of 10 seconds.The DSSB feature, which is basically like the Bass Boost feature in a Sony Discman, is laughable in the quality of its 'boosting'; there is hardly any bass response difference on switching DSSB on or off. Compared to my SONY CD-WALKMAN/DISCMAN D NE-300, which I previously had and which conked off after providing a magnificent quality of service for an uninterrupted period of 8 long years, this INSIGNIA PORTABLE CD PLAYER feels like a sordid, poor cheap quality Chinese product bought from a shady flea market.Stay miles away from this brand.
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Insignia NS-P5113 Portable CD Player price in India summary

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Insignia NS-P5113 Portable CD Player price in India is N.A. on 15th Jun 2024

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