Last updated on: 04th May 2024

Philips BT120 Bluetooth Speakers Price in India

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Philips BT120 Bluetooth Speakers Specifications

Binding Electronics
Productgroup Electronics
Height 3.937 inches
Length 9.64565 inches
Width 3.937 inches
Ean 4895185652115

Basic wireless speaker with decent sound performance and battery life

By Vijay Raoon
Philips BT120 Bluetooth Speakers (Black)Delivery and Packaging: I received the package within 30 hours of placing the order. It was neatly packed and the product was safe and secure. The delivery was free. The MRP printed on the package is Rs.4999/- and I got it for Rs.3474/-. There is another similar model BT122/94 which is priced slightly higher, but I couldn't find any difference between the two - will need to check the specifications better for this.Sound: The sound output of this unit is beyond my expectation. I wanted a portable speaker for my mobile and laptop such that I could carry it around with me while I move around at home finishing my chores. The bass, treble and mid ranges of the speaker are really good, though some might want the bass to be better. However, I think for a portable speaker of this size, that might be difficult to achieve. The speaker unit has an independent volume control, over and above the voume control in the phone/laptop. During tests before writing this review, I kept the volume of the speaker at the highest and the volume in my phone at 50%. The sound was loud enough for comfortable listening in a 10mx10m room.Build Quality: The unit has a very stylish design and superior build quality. The front grill looks like steel with a matte black finish. The other two sides are plastic but look firm and solid. The triangle ends are rubber and provide good support and friction for standing up the speaker in an upright position. The buttons feel sturdy under the rubber sheet and I expect them to not go bad early. The PHILIPS tag on the front grill is the right size and looks classy.Controls and Display: There are 4 buttons for controlling the sound and operation of the device: 1)Power 2)Play/Pause/CallReceive/CallEnd 3)VolumeDown/Previous 4)VolumeUp/Next. Pressing the power button and holding down for about 3 seconds, powers on the system. Didn't need to put it in any pairing mode or anything. The device was visible in the bluetooth menu of my phone and laptop, both, for pairing after powering on. The play/pause button works fine without lag. Haven't received calls on this speaker yet, so can't comment about the mic or call voice quality. The volumeUp and volumeDown buttons have dual functionality. Long presses are used for volume control and single clicks are used for next/previous. As mentioned earlier, the volume control does not change the volume on the source device, rather is a volume control of its own ahead of the device.

Please read before buy..

By Yashraj Aryaon
I am writing this after using the speaker for a week.Its got 20W sound output, which is much higher than any other portable speaker.The sound quality is excellent, too!The bluetooth range is also good... You can pair your device with this speaker if you are in the same room in your home.When I shifted to other room with my device, bluetooth connectivity with the speaker failed.You can use it only with your mobile phone and MP3 player.There is no Radio in it.But all this for 2999 on on lighting dealGreat value for money!Just go for it!If This review is helpful then give thumbs up..

Clear Loud

By Ayushmaanon
Good Speaker, Very loud and 100% clear sound, 2 speakers and 1 bass radiator plays the music very good, rubber on the side gets out in a week you have to stick it with any bond , while playing in car bluetooth connectivity of speaker disturbs alot sound flikers alot due to bad road conditions but at home it is the best speaker in this rangeoperating time is aroung 4-5 hours

Nice product

By Brijmohanon
Nice product for this price range. Go for it

Excellent product. Must buy!!!

By Heera Lal Singhon
Product deserve 5 stars but the delivery made me angry. It took about 1 week for them to deliver it. Otherwise it's having a really good bass, voice quality, design etc.
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Philips BT120 Bluetooth Speakers price in India summary

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Philips BT120 Bluetooth Speakers price in India is N.A. on 05th May 2024

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