Last updated on: 03rd May 2024

Nintendo 3DS Price in India

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Nintendo 3DS price in India from stores in India from ₹16,140.00 - ₹16,140.00

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Nintendo 3DS (Black)

The Nintendo 3DS is a handheld 3D console that takes .. The Nintendo 3DS is a handheld 3D console that takes your normal gaming experience and elevates it to the 3D level. The console is made for anyone who likes games. The Nintendo 3DS has a clamshell d... + more

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Nintendo 3DS Specifications

Brand Nintendo
Category Nintendo 3DS
Colour Red
Screen Size Upper 3D Display- 3.53" (3.02" wide x 1.81" high)Lower Screen- 3.02" (2.42" wide, 1.81" high)
Battery Nintendo 3DS Battery Pack (lithium ion battery) [CTR-003].
Model Id 3DS
In The Box Nintendo 3DS system, Nintendo 3DS charging cradle, Nintendo 3DS AC adapter, Nintendo 3DS stylus, SD Memory Card (2 GB), six AR card(s) (view the cards using the outer cameras to play supported AR games), Quick-Start Guide, Operations Manual (including warranty).
Memory Card 2 GB SD Memory Card Included
Resolution Upper 3D Display - 800 X 240 Pixel Resolution, 16.77 Million ColorsLower Screen - 320 X 240 Pixel Resolution, 16.77 Million Colors
Wireless 2.4 GHz, Supporting IEEE802.11 B/G with WPA/WPA2 Security Features
Sound Stereo Speakers (Supports Virtual Surround Sound)
Graphics 3D graphics
Weight 227 g (including Battery Pack, Stylus, SD Memory Card)
Dimensions 5.3 (W), 2.9 (H), 0.8 Inches (D)
Platform Nintendo 3DS
Mic Embedded Microphone
Console Type Handheld
Duration : 1 Year

Great job Nintendo!

By Samuel G.on
After having this console for 2 weeks I guess it's time for my review. Flipkart sells this console in "NTSC-U" format; which is an American region code. That means this model won't play ANY European (PAL format) or Australian or any 3DS games from other countries (unless it's in "NTSC"). So be very careful when buying 3DS games - make sure they're from the the same region as the 3DS. A good thing is that it will still play all DS games, it doesn't matter where they're from. I'm extremely glad about it though since I'm getting my games from the US; I was worried it might be PAL but when I saw "Saudi Arabia" (which sells NTSC for some weird reason) on the box I was relieved. The 3D effect made my ears watery but within two days I got used to it - it takes a little time to adjust. Now I can use the maximum 3D setting and my eyes won't pain at all. I started with a VERY low setting and keep making it higher each time I played it. The 3D is stunning. It changes your entire gaming experience for the better, of course. It really makes stuff look real! Go and look out of your window - that's how good the 3D is. The battery life is a lot shorter than my DS Lite; but if you play a DS game I think it takes up less power than a 3DS game. The eShop is amazing. I got a game called "Legend of Zelda: Four Swords" for free! It'll be in the store for some months so remember to download it soon. You can get all kinds of apps too but you have to pay for most of the stuff. One bad point is that the design is slightly flawed. The bottom screen will scratch the top screen because of it's raised edges around the touch-screen - I don't how why the heck they made it like that. I heard about this problem on Amazon so now I just use a piece of foam when my console is closed. I'll be getting a proper screen protector soon - it seems it's a must. The camera quality is nothing to write home about but who cares; it does it's job, and who needs a high-end camera in a gaming-handheld anyway? You can play DS games in two different resolutions - either in full-screen, or in windowed. Games in windowed mode appear a lot more crisp, but I play in full screen anyway. If you want to play a game in windowed mode press and hold start or/and select when the game is loading. The 3DS is a next generation console so it is undoubtedly better than the DS/DS lite/DSi; don't let the naysayers tell you otherwise. I know many people think that the PS Vita will be better but in truth it all depends on your tastes. I've probably bought most of the gaming consoles since 2001 (please don't take that as a boast) and I've come to understand that Sony and Nintendo's games are for different kinds of people. Personally, I prefer Nintendo. I know that usually Nintendo loses in the graphics department to Sony; but Nintendo's games have much better stories and their games, in my personal opinion, have a higher "quality". Sony has these kinds of games too, but they aren't so common compared to Nintendo. A good example is the game "Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates"; I played that game three years ago yet I remember it like it was yesterday. Yet, for the life of me, I can't remember any of my PSP games. Those action games are fun n' all but they aren't for me. "To each his own" I suppose.

Very impressive

By Farhad Alam Boraon
The 3d effect is really good with games like resident evil revelations and super mario 3d land. I am very satisfied with the purchase. Looking forward to games like kingdom hearts dream drop distance, kid icarus uprising, professor layton and the mask of miracles and many more on the 3ds.

3DS is a thing to have!

By Prem Sinhaon
Yeah, I bought it and I loved it. The bottom line's on the top. The 3D is as good as the 3D in real life. The touch screen is extremely receptive, and I have used it with the stylus, my fingers, the opposite side of the stylus and a pen as well. But it isn't a hindrance: the top screen cannot affect the touch screen. The battery life is longer if you play DS games, if you got average brightness and a 3DS game you've got six hours. Charges pretty fast, you can charge it many times in a day. The games are a Nintendo fan's delight. If you are just dipping in Nintendo, buy this for the best Nintendo games. And yes, it is better than the PS Vita. Good Day!


By Don Abrahamon
I Got this as a gift from the US but for some wierd reason the flat pins arent working on any convertor....Can someone help me figure how to get hold of a spare charger??? Preferably on flipkart.............. !

A person who want nintendo 3ds

By Ashwini kumaron
please make the product come in stock!!!!!! please!!!!!! it is out of stock for so long please !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! please bring nintendo 3ds back to stock !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Nintendo 3DS price in India is N.A. on 03rd May 2024

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