Last updated on: 01st Jun 2024

TruVeli Traditional Non-Stick Iron Cooking and Serve Kadai Price in India

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TruVeli Traditional Non-Stick Iron Cooking and Serve Kadai price in India from stores in India from ₹0.00

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TruVeli Traditional Non-Stick Iron Cooking and Serve Kadai with Handle - Black (2.6 mm Thickness)

Kadai makes it more non-stick, easy to clean and save.. Kadai makes it more non-stick, easy to clean and saves your time while cooking. Works on gas stove - can be used on the stove, in the oven, over a fire. It can withstand high temperatures for a long time. Though Pre-Seasoned we recommend you season it once again before your first use. Seasoning and Maintenance instructions are clearly detailed in Instruction Manual. Handmade with the finest grade cast iron and built to last for generations. Cooking in a cast iron pan adds a good amount of trace iron into your diet, which is beneficial for supplementing dietary iron intake and reducing iron deficiency. Being a handmade product, it has a natural finish apart from the machine made cookwares like nonstick, steel. Our products are made by local rural artisans Once it is done, use a soft cloth to wipe away the excess oil and store the kadai in a dry place. Repeat the process for 3- 4 times before starting to cook to get your desired result. On further usage, it becomes non-sticky and your food will taste the best. High Quality Food grade enameling to produce pleasing but toughest reinforced enamelware with most modern technology. + more

TruVeli Traditional Non-Stick Iron Cooking and Serve Kadai Specifications

Productgroup Kitchen
Height 3.93700787 inches
Length 2.362204722 inches
Width 14.3700787255 inches
Weight 1.543235834 pounds
Size 14 IN
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TruVeli Traditional Non-Stick Iron Cooking and Serve Kadai price in India is N.A. on 01st Jun 2024

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