Last updated on: 01st Jun 2024

Singer Riyo Dx 500 Watt Copper Motor Mixer Grinder 500 Juicer Mixer Grinder  ( 3 Jars) Price in India

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Singer Riyo Dx 500 Watt Copper Motor Mixer Grinder 500 Juicer Mixer Grinder  ( 3 Jars) price in India from 1 stores in India from ₹2,500.00 - ₹2,500.00

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Singer Riyo Dx 500 Watt Copper Motor Mixer Grinder with 5 Years Warranty

The Grinder has a 100% copper made powerful motor of .. The Grinder has a 100% copper made powerful motor of 500W. The Mixer Grinder jars handles are ergonomically designed for easy grip to ensure easy handling and to prevent slippage while handling the jar in mounting and dismounting the items from jars. Anti slip grips ensures that the machine remains stable where-ever it is placed while using. Stainless Steel Jars of mixer grinder will keep the mixture inside the jar from spreading outside and also protects it from the external pollutants. Compact body Mixer Grinder with an ergonomic design allows for perfect usage as well as for easy cleaning. Anti-slip feet ensure not to slide the mixture on the base from the jars. This appliance comes with leakproof, food-grade stainless steel jars with a semi-transparent lid that allows you to see the ingredients for perfect consistency Includes: Mixer grinder, Wet Jar, Multipurpose Jar, Chutney Jar 5 Years Warranty + more

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Singer Riyo Dx 500 Watt Copper Motor Mixer Grinder 500 J.. Specifications

Productgroup Kitchen
Height 10.43305 inches
Length 14.5669 inches
Width 7.24408 inches
Ean 8901299113032
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Singer Riyo Dx 500 Watt Copper Motor Mixer Grinder 500 Juicer Mixer Grinder  ( 3 Jars) price in India summary

  • We have aggregated Singer Riyo Dx 500 Watt Copper Motor Mixer Grinder 500 Juicer Mixer Grinder  ( 3 Jars) price and coupon offers available across all online stores in India.
  • Singer Riyo Dx 500 Watt Copper Motor Mixer Grinder 500 Juicer Mixer Grinder  ( 3 Jars) lowest price in India as on Sat, 1 Jun 2024 is ₹2,500.00 offered by Amazon.

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Singer Riyo Dx 500 Watt Copper Motor Mixer Grinder 500 Juicer Mixer Grinder  ( 3 Jars) price in India is ₹2,500.00 on 01st Jun 2024

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