Last updated on: 31st May 2024

Usha Striker Hi Speed 400 MM 3 Blade Pedestal Fan Price in India

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Usha Striker Hi Speed 400 MM 3 Blade Pedestal Fan price in India from 1 stores in India from ₹3,845.00 - ₹3,845.00

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Usha Striker Hi Speed 400 Mm 3 Blade Pedestal Fan, White, Standard Size

High speed and aerodynamically designed PP blades Aut.. High speed and aerodynamically designed PP blades Auto thermal overload protection Powerful motor for high airflow, specially designed for Indian weather conditions Ensures uniform oscillation + more

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Usha Striker Hi Speed 400 MM 3 Blade Pedestal Fan Specifications

Productgroup Kitchen
Size Medium

Four Stars

By Sonalon
Good one

One Star

By Amazon Customeron

Five Stars

Awesome Fan

Poorly engineered.

By JP Ramanon
Warning: No assembly instructions included. You might think its easy enough, but its not. Also, Usha does not have a single quality check mechanism to find out if all parts are included before sealing the product in the box.The fan works as it should. However it has serious flaws with the base mechanism. The base is not a trolley but a hard plastic base with an embedded nut in this plastic base, you screw the rod structure onto these nuts which are embedded into the plastic base. What happens when you create such a monstrosity? If you screw the bolt any tighter (like I did), the nuts break the plastic base in their groove. In other words the nuts come loosen out directly. When I switched on the fan after assembly the fan started to lean, and ultimately fall down which is when I held it and checked the bottom end. I fixed it by reversing the entire fastening process, I put the bolt from the bottom and then tightened the nuts over it.I know this makes little sense, but stay away from this fan if you aren't prepared to do some reverse engineering for Usha's complete incompetence in this department. It seems to have been done to cut corners but it ultimately weakens the structure itself.To add insult to injury, Usha has forgotten to include the fan rotation stopper. So now the fan is in rotation mode all the time. This too I fixed myself by using a screw hook, which I screwed into the plastic stalk next to the motor. I had to do this much of jugaad because of Usha's non existent "quality department". How is it even possible that they pack the main motor without this plastic rotation stopper?The fan is really fast and high rpm as mentioned. But I will never buy an Usha again. Not with this level of incompetence on their end. They have a good name in the market which is the only reason I purchased this fan.

Just a huge waste of money

By Amazon Customeron
it was awful. Its a very expensive fan with no quality. Just a huge waste of money, that's it...
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Usha Striker Hi Speed 400 MM 3 Blade Pedestal Fan price in India summary

  • We have aggregated Usha Striker Hi Speed 400 MM 3 Blade Pedestal Fan price and coupon offers available across all online stores in India.
  • Usha Striker Hi Speed 400 MM 3 Blade Pedestal Fan lowest price in India as on Sat, 1 Jun 2024 is ₹3,845.00 offered by Amazon.

Usha Striker Hi Speed 400 MM 3 Blade Pedestal Fan price in India is ₹3,845.00 on 01st Jun 2024

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