Last updated on: 31st May 2024

Mishrit Food Dehydrator Machine, The Ultimate Kitchen Appliance for Drying Fruits, Vegetables and .. Price in India

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Mishrit Food Dehydrator Machine, The Ultimate Kitchen Appliance for Drying Fruits, Vegetables and .. price in India from 1 stores in India from ₹4,849.00 - ₹4,849.00

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Mishrit Food Dehydrator Machine, The Ultimate Kitchen Appliance for Drying Fruits, Vegetables and ..

The Mishrit Brand Food Dehydrator Machine is an essen.. The Mishrit Brand Food Dehydrator Machine is an essential kitchen appliance that is designed to dry fruits, vegetables, and meats for long-term storage. It comes with an adjustable temperature control feature that allows you to set the temperature according to the type of food you are dehydrating for optimal drying results. The machine is equipped with multiple trays, which means you can dehydrate multiple items at once, saving you time and energy. The compact and lightweight design makes it easy to store, and it can easily fit on a kitchen countertop or in a pantry. The built-in timer feature allows you to set precise drying times, so you can have perfectly dried food every time. The trays of the dehydrator are BPA-free, ensuring that your food is safe and healthy to consume. The machine is easy to clean and maintain, ensuring that it lasts for a long time. The Mishrit Brand Food Dehydrator Machine is energy efficient, which means you can dry your food without worrying about your electricity bill. The machine comes with a detailed user manual that makes it easy to use, even for those who have never used a dehydrator before. The machine has been designed to be durable and long-lasting, ensuring that it provides consistent performance over time. + more

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Mishrit Food Dehydrator Machine, The Ultimate Kitchen Ap.. Specifications

Productgroup Kitchen
Height 4.724409444 Inches
Length 9.448818888 Inches
Width 4.724409444 Inches
Size Standard
Ean 9631115599489
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Mishrit Food Dehydrator Machine, The Ultimate Kitchen Appliance for Drying Fruits, Vegetables and .. price in India summary

  • We have aggregated Mishrit Food Dehydrator Machine, The Ultimate Kitchen Appliance for Drying Fruits, Vegetables and Meat price and coupon offers available across all online stores in India.
  • Mishrit Food Dehydrator Machine, The Ultimate Kitchen Appliance for Drying Fruits, Vegetables and Meat lowest price in India as on Sat, 1 Jun 2024 is ₹4,849.00 offered by Amazon.

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Mishrit Food Dehydrator Machine, The Ultimate Kitchen Appliance for Drying Fruits, Vegetables and Meat price in India is ₹4,849.00 on 01st Jun 2024

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